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TestOut PC Pro Course Highlights. Simulation. True-to-Life Simulations. LabSim replicates $35,000 of computer hardware and software and challenges students
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Cookie Preference Center When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. TestOut PC Pro Exam Objectives Hardware. Select and install PC components; Configure hardware components; Install and configure storage; Install and configure a printer; Configure networking devices; Manage mobile devices; Software. Install, update, and configure an operating system; Use operating system features and utilities; Manage file systems La certificación TestOut PC Pro se incluye en el costo del software educativo TestOut PC Pro. El examen TestOut PC Pro está formado por simulaciones y otras preguntas destinadas a evaluar habilidades. Los estudiantes pueden encontrar algunas tareas sin puntaje que se usan para evaluar y mejorar el examen.
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